The Seaford Bonfire Society presented The Down’s Syndrome and Special Needs Support Group a cheque for £500 at their HQ The White Lion Hotel on the 7th March 2013. Rachel Beardsworth, fundraising officer for Seaford Bonfire Society, along with Dionne Davies from the Seaford Downs Syndrome & Special Needs Support Group
The Seaford Down’s Syndrome and Special Needs Support Group have been lucky enough to be chosen along with Seaford Lifeguards for a second year as the Society’s charity’s of the year.
After a gap of more than 30 years, Seaford Bonfire Society reformed in 2011 and celebrated their return with the traditional torch-lit parade, bonfire and firework display that was attended by members of visiting bonfire societies.
2012 bonfire event was even bigger, with this years celebrations on 19th October set to be the best yet.
Those wishing to join the society should attend on of their monthly meetings, held on the first Thursday of the month at the White Lion Hotel – 7pm onwards, or alternatively by emailing the secretary at
On behalf of all the children and parents of Seaford Down’s Syndrome and Special Needs Support Group we would like to thank Seaford Bonfire Society for all their hard work collecting for us at last year’s bonfire night and raising an amazing £500!
The donation will be used to buy additional equipment needed for our new sensory movement classes, which will be of benefit to so many of our children.
Thank you so much!
The Seaford Bonfire Society Can be found here
E Ventis Vires – From the wind, strength