Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)

Our Speech and Language Therapy sessions are for all children with additional needs.

Alexa Hollis, our fully qualified S.A.L.T. (Speech and Language Therapist), has vast experience of working with children with a wide range of additional needs from her previous roles with the NHS and St John’s School in Seaford, we believe she is a great asset to the group.

The programme is accessible to all our members’ children. The sessions are held monthly on a one-to-one basis. They take place, monthly on Saturdays, with follow up homework set by Alexa herself. Annually, Alexa will produce a yearly report for your child and this report can count towards the paperwork evidence required for your E.H.C.P.

Please be aware, that at the moment, the Speech sessions are very popular, with a waiting list.

Request a place

If you are interested in your child participating, or would like further information, please contact our Speech Administrator, Mrs Daryl Cogavin via e-mail on speech@seaford-dssnsg.co.uk or via SMS/Phone/WhatsApp on 07562 868 397 to be added to the waiting list.