Matt Varndells 100K Walk

On the 12th May 2012, Matt Varndells walked 100k in the London to Brighton Challenge and raised £1300 – well done Matt

Matt Says on his MyCharities Page :

“100km (62miles)walk from London to Brighton, in under 24 hours. Trying to raise funds for a wonderful local charity Seaford Down’s Syndrome and Special Needs support Group. On May 12th, I will attempt to walk 100k (62.14 miles) from London to Brighton in under 24 hours taking part in the shall walk the full 100k, this is not a relay! We shall be traipsing up an over the south downs at night,hoping to not end up in Hampshire, arriving in Brighton early morning of the 13th”

A big thank you goes to Matt for raising a fantastic amount.

UPDATE: Matt successfully completed his challenge and came along to our Saturday Drop-in at the Mecread Centre on the 16th June to present us with a check for £1300.

On behalf of the group, a big thank you goes to Matt for his fantastic fundraising efforts.

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